Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Losing Weight with Ayurveda- The Ancient Indian Medical Science

Indian medical science is ancient and the best in the world. It has got solution for weight loss which is devoid of any weight loss pill or weight loss surgery. The best thing with Ayurveda is that it does not have any side effects or complications unlike weight loss pills or weight loss surgeries.

Proper diet and exercise can help you get flawless figure, this also keeps you away from many diseases. Obesity is the cause of many diseases but if you abide by the diet plans and exercise schedule, you can easily get rid of your obesity.

First step of losing weight with the help of Ayurveda starts with eating more fruits, vegetables, spicy foods and whole grains. The ultimate aim of this food and doing exercise is to burn the extra fat in the body. More the exercise you do more the fat you can burn from your body and slimmer you can become. You need to do vigorous exercise but it should never be extreme. Try to strike a balance between doing exercise too little and over doing.

You need to be determined so that you can abide by the schedule you start. Do not expect results within few days only as this is a long process so you need to be patient. Do not take cold liquid after doing exercise because this time metabolic fire in your cells burn calories and drinking cold liquid can reduce the effect of this fire. Doing Yoga can also help you get desired results.

Try to do more and more physical work, and this can be done while you are awake and therefore do not take a nap or go to bed early. Because you can burn more and more calories while you are awake. All you need to do is to change your life style. Have control over your eating habits and eat only prescribed food. Do not remain stick to T.V. or computer.

Try to do more and more physical work. Do not hesitate to mow your loan or to prune the bushes. Walk the distance if it is not so far; do not use vehicles for stone throw distances. Remember, the more you sweat out, the more you come close to your goal.